Updates from 2023, Quarter 1
2023 March 25
I added some lovely art of me that a friend made to the "Works" page. Give it a look!
2023 February 24
The information on the About subpage has been upgraded from "placeholder" to "rough sketch." It's still lacking in things like images and the like, but it's a start. You, dear reader, could help fill it out by asking me questions.
Currently, my creator claims that I am their "self-insert" (excuse me!?), but I opted to leave that detail off my about page because I feel some things are better if left open for future reinterpretation and somewhat vague.
2023 February 22
I created a guestbook for this site using 123guestbook. I saw somebody else using it, and it seemed perfectly suited to my very particular tastes. You can use it to say hi, offer serious suggestions, and ask curious questions.
I'm not sure how I feel about the marquee box right there, but for now I just think it's neat.
2023 February 21
I created a nice button for linking back to this website. Lemme know if you end up using it. I think it's very cute. :)
2023 February 18
By popular demand (as in, someone literally asked), I put links to my older maps on the Maps page. Be aware that these links lead to VGMaps.com, which has some absolutely ginormous HTML pages (though I don't think any reasonably modern computer would choke on a plain HTML page, even if it was 3.6 megabytes).
2023 February 17
The Works subpage finally has a bit of content, in the form of a silly comic regarding some controversy over my height. There is a slim chance that people besides me will find it funny, but it's a chance I'm willing to take
2023 February 15
Just a small update today: I added a fun header image to the Maps page of me in the middle of making these maps. It's very cool looking. Check it out!
2023 February 13
Today's map is a change of pace, as it's for a miniature hack that was made for a one week contest. Given the timeframe it was made under, it looks quite good. The hack is called Samus vs. Karid-X.
Hey wait a minute! I killed Karid-X with my own arm-cannoned hand! Who does this consarned space bimbo think she is, taking credit for my bounty and then rushing a third-complete mockbuster out the door like she owns the place? Why I oughta...
On second thought, it would probably be best to avoid direct conflict with her. Maybe I should make my own game to tell the true, unvarnished story of what happened (maybe later though, I'm hungry now).
2023 February 12
Ever wanted to know the secret sauce I've been using to make my Metroid 1 maps? Well, it's not a secret anymore! I wrote a nice article detailing all of my juicy secrets. Please enjoy!
2023 February 11
I added a map for a game called Over the Moon. Would you believe that it's a Metroid 1 hack? You would? Really? What makes you think that?
It's a pretty interesting hack that's most of the way to being a total conversion, though it is rough around the edges. I liked it overall, but I wouldn't blame anybody for noping out when they get to the final area. Just look at the solution map I made if you want to see what I mean.
2023 February 7
My process for making Metroid 1 hack maps is becoming more streamlined. Now I've knocked out a map for the hack Metroid M in just a couple days. It's not the best hack out there, but compared to some of its contemporaries it was rather polished. Unfortunately, the author decided to remove continues and passwords, so it qualifies as a solid non-recommendation for me.
2023 February 5 (part two)
Knocked another item off the TODO list by removing the placeholder site logo. Added another item to the TODO list to maintain the balance of the cosmos.
2023 February 5
Added a map of the original Metroid 1 rom hack, Metroid X. Can you believe that it was made back in 1999, and that it was actually good? Neither can I!
Also, in completely unrelated news, we have added a Taxonomy of Grimps to start off our lovely articles section. Please inform yourself about this alleged threat to galactic peace by reading that article.
2023 February 1
No content updates. Just announcing that we are now successfully using a static site generator!
2023 January 31
Moved the updates out of the sidebar, and cleaned things up in honor of the first sub-page being created. Why yes, we finally have content, and it's a map of the venerable Metroid 1 hack Junkoid! #JUNKOIDSWEEP
2023 January 26
The proof-of-concept design of this website is good enough for me to discreetly link to others for feedback -- and mobile friendly too!