
I've posted "funny" images from time to time. Some are "comics." Others are "memes." Whatever they are, I'm collating them here rather than letting them rot 20 months down some social media feed or on page 9 of 25 of some ancient forum thread.

Some of these comics relate to the Samantha-verse. Others are one-offs. There is no schedule. There is no plotline. And mercifully there is only the faintest glimmer of the dreaded beast "continuity."



  1. Marketability (2023-02-17)
  2. Does Samantha Have Frog DNA? (2023-07-05)
  3. Vampirical Plausibility (2023-07-18)
  4. Miniature Umb (2023-11-04)
  5. 2024 Gamer Bingo (2023-12-31)
  6. Newest Member of the Public (2024-01-01)
  7. Commands for Game Developers (2024-03-27)
  8. It Is Friday (2024-07-16)

Inscrutable Upload Queue

These are all in the Posting Pipeline. Be very afraid.

  • Bad Apple (2024-07-20)
  • What's in a Name? (2024-07-31)
    • (i was gonna make this for make a terrible comic day last month but i never got around to it until now)
  • Cursed Crackship (2024-08-14) - Dedicated to Axiom and Eleven
  • Starbase (2024-08-30)
  • Buyso Haul (2024-12-22)
  • Switch 3 Logo Leak (2025-01-13)
  • The One with Whales (2025-01-30)
  • Ideal Oi Room GF (2025-03-01)
  • Hacks of the Aegis (2025-03-09)