This is the place where I will put all my assorted writings and such. Which articles are written "in character" or not is an exercise left up to the reader.
- A Taxonomy of Grimps (2023 February 4)
- A Process for Mapping Metroid 1 Hacks (2023 February 12)
- ZZT Game Review - OIL (2023 May 1)
- Metroid 2 Hacking Retrospective (feat. maps) (2023 May 31)
- Fun Applications of AI (2023 June 19)
- Messing Around with VRoid Studio (2023 June 29)
- A Cursory Review of Contra Force (2024 March 25)
- MetConst Contest Hack List (2024 July 21)
- Blog: I Was a GDQ Prize Winner (2025 March 17)
Articles to write:
- Second-Layer Challenges in Super Metroid hacks (and Metroidvanias in general)
- Stop Making ZZT Games (and Start Making ZZT Games)
- Reviews of whatever I feel like.