Hi There! I'm Samantha!

I'm a galactic bounty hunter for hire! (Please hire me; I need better food.) This is my website. I you enjoy the things it has. :-)

Sometimes I stream videogames! If I'm not streaming them (which is often), you can enjoy reading this unrelated list of videogames instead:

  1. Lyle in Cube Sector
  2. Cave Story
  3. Dizzy! The Ultimate Cartoon Adventure

I found this image of a cat. Ain't he cute?


This website even has a simulacrum of competent CSS! Who needs the official Neocities tutorials when you can just use a template machine and bang your head against a wall customizing it!?

With all of that, you have experienced all the essential ingredients to a complete website. I hope you enjoyed it. (Apologies for any sections that appear particularly placeholdery at the moment.)


Stay tuned for the latest and greatest website updates in the galaxy!

2024 October 12

Not really an update to this site, but fellow cartographer drb has finally made a website!!!

Previously he had been posting links to his maps in a forum post halfway through a random forum thread on MetConst. However, MetConst recently got hacked and wiped (and mostly recovered), so I suspect that may have provided him the motivation to give his maps a proper home (just a guess -- haven't talked with the guy).

The links on the maps page and links page have been updated to reflect this development.

2024 October 5

It's about 12 hours later, and I've just done some more housekeeping here. In terms of making comment threads, I'm up to Q3 of 2023. Check them all out on the forum!

Also, I've finally put the previous quarters from this year into the news archive for once. Thank you for your patience. :)

2024 October 5

It's past midnight, so I guess this is technically an October 5th update.

Anyhow, after months and months of ignoring it, I finally started working on the Links Page in earnest. It still needs quite a bit of filling out, but it's a start. (Feel free to pester me if I haven't added your page yet.)

I also finished making comment threads for Quarter 2 of 2023 on the forum! I'd make a comment thread for this post right now, but I think having to wait until I finish catching up with myself provides some solid motivation to finish catching up.


2024 October 2

Yesterday, the venerable new social media site "Cohost" shut down for good, due to something called "financial unsustainability." This finally was the kick in the pants I needed to start up my very own forum!

The forum is now live here!!! <- Please click

It still needs a theme and some other finishing touches, but it at least works.

The link to the guestbook on the navbar has now been replaced with a link to the forum, though it will take me a while to propagate this change to every page (enjoy the variegation while you can!).

Anyhow, I am also in the process of retroactively creating comment threads for nearly every old news item on the forum, starting from the very first quarter of this site! This also will take a while. I'm also retroactively adding links in the old newsposts to their new comment threads.

And, yes, before you ask, this update will be one of the last to get a new thread.

News Archive