123Guestbook.com shut down 2024 July 1. This is a read-only archive.

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9:35am 06-12-2023
turning this into a forum starting right now: everyone tell me your favorite uh
metroid enemy
i like geemers
Replied on: 10:05am 06-12-2023
I'm personally a fan of Dessgeegas myself. Like, their name was clearly supposed to be romanized as "DEATHGIGAS", but whoever translated the manual for the original game decided to give them a name more befitting of a scrunkly scrimblo bimblo. It's very funny. Bonus points for being completely unrelated to the humble Geega.
The Gunzoo from Metroid 2 is also pretty fun, because what else are you gonna call a robot with 3 different guns?
11:21pm 04-20-2023
This website is so pre-Homestar Runner era internet can't handle it.
Consider renaming it to "The Odyssey of Zebeth" but not really, that's just a joke. Okay bye!
Replied on: 7:01pm 04-21-2023
but who is Zelizebeth???

10:31pm 04-02-2023
Nya! You're the cats meow!
Replied on: 11:09pm 04-02-2023
awww shucks :3
9:53pm 02-22-2023
Samantha Arantes
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